Scientists Find Pregnancy Horm...


Scientists Find Pregnancy Hormones Could Change Brain Chemistry To Prepare Women Tor Motherhood

RedFM News
RedFM News

09:17 6 Oct 2023

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Scientists have found hormones produced during pregnancy could change the brain's chemistry to prepare women for motherhood.

By studying pregnant mice, researchers saw altered levels of oestrogen and progesterone change the pathways of the brain.

Researchers say it could be a sign that new mums are hard-wired to protect their child.

Jonny Kohl, who led the research at the Francis Crick Institute, says it could also help explain why some people become forgetful or distracted when they're expecting:

"This could contribute to this phenomenon of 'Baby Brain' where suddenly the baby and baby related things are a lot more important than other things. That obviously comes at the expense of other things going on in your life".

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