Simon Harris calls on European...


Simon Harris calls on European leaders to fully support the WHO

Rebecca Noonan
Rebecca Noonan

06:38 16 Apr 2020

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The Health Minister's calling on European leaders to fully support the World Health Organisation in its row with Donald Trump.

It's after the US president withdrew its funding to the WHO, accusing it of mismanaging its response to the Covid-19 pandemic.

The move was discussed during a conference call involving European health ministers yesterday.

And Simon Harris says he's fully behind the WHO.

"I took the opportunity today on that call to call on Europe to absolutely stand full square behind the World Health Organisation.

"Now is not the time for a country to be taking potshots at an organisation working at a global level to save lives, and particularly working to help poorer countries.

"They need our support, they need our help, they absolutely have ours they absolutely have Ireland's, and I know they have the support of all member states of the European Union as well."

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