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The Top Four Things You Need To Know Now

RedFM News
RedFM News

08:40 11 Feb 2023

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The Main Stories Making The Headlines Across Cork


A candlelight vigil will be held today to commemorate the 42nd anniversary of the Stardust fire in Dublin.

The fire, which broke out at a Valentine's dance in the north Dublin nightclub in 1981, claimed the lives of 48 people, with more than 200 others being injured.


More than 24-thousand people are now known to have died in the earthquakes in Turkey and Syria.

Rescue teams are still searching for survivors in the rubble of collapsed buildings.


The Transport Minister's being urged to publish the All Island Strategic Rail Review.

That's the call from Cathaoirleach of Wexford County Council, George Lawlor who met Minister Eamon Ryan yesterday.


More nursing home closures are inevitable.

That's the view of Tadhg Daly, Chief Executive of Nursing Homes Ireland as concerns mount over rising costs for private nursing homes.

He says there were 18 nursing home closures last year and he's calling for adequate funding for the sector.

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Redfm News Top Four Things You Need To Know

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