World Health Organisation urge...


World Health Organisation urges countries not to lift restrictions all at once

Rebecca Noonan
Rebecca Noonan

06:39 22 Apr 2020

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The World Health Organisation is calling on all countries to lift restrictions on a 'staggered' basis.

The number of cases of coronavirus across the world has almost reached 2.6 million.

More than 177,000 people have died, and many countries have restrictions in place to stop the spread of Covid-19.

Maria Van Kerkhove, from the World Health Organisation, is urging governments not to lift them in one go.

"If the lockdown is lifted too quickly, you could see a resurgence in cases.

"You could see that this virus can take hold in certain closed settings, and it could take off again.

'We need to ensure that the measures we put in place are done carefully, and also when they're taken away they're done in a slow, staggered and controlled way."

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