Worldwide cases close to 1.3 m...


Worldwide cases close to 1.3 million

Rebecca Noonan
Rebecca Noonan

06:40 6 Apr 2020

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The total number of cases of coronavirus across the world has risen to nearly 1.3 million.

Almost 70,000 people have died of the disease.

The US has by far the highest number of cases, at nearly 337,000.

The UK has almost 48,000, including 1,089 in Northern Ireland.

Dr Mike Ryan, executive director at the World Health Organisation, is warning countries of the danger of lifting restrictions too soon.

"We don't want to end up in a cycle of lockdown, followed by release, followed by another lockdown followed by release - that's not the way forward.

"The way we avoid that is we need a transition strategy that gets us back in control of the virus - we need to get ahead of the virus, and if we are in control we can protect our economies."

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