Vilius Valiusis
Vilius Valiusis

12:46 2 Jan 2018

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The Neil Prendeville Show returns for 2018! In March 2015 Neil first spoke to Anne Herlihy who had terminal stage 4 ovarian cancer & wanted to put a bucket list together before she died. Last week she received a pre-christmas phone call from her doctor. Her cancer is gone! Neil catches up with Anne following the good news! Neil also speaks to Liz whose two bedroom house burnt to the ground on Christmas week. She has lost everything and is suffering from terrible anxiety since the fire. Neil talks to Ray who proposed to his love of 14 years, Laura Curry, over Christmas with the help of Santa and the Elves at Dunnes. There three kids were also in on the act and Santa handed Laura her gift, an engagement ring! Niamh calls the show to tell Neil how hunt dogs savaged a fox in her front garden on St Stephens Day in Macroom. She says the animal had an horrific death.

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