Vilius Valiusis
Vilius Valiusis

01:11 9 Jan 2018

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Neil speaks to Gordon Laffan whose mother was 8 months pregnant when her own mother and sister were killed in the St Phelim Air Crash off Cork, when all 61 passengers were killed. He says "how she carried me to full term is testament to her strength". Neil chats to Mary Lenihan-Foley who was 3 hours waiting for an ambulance after a fall and 2 1/2 hour wait outside CUH. Neil also talks to Andrea Smith about the recent online Influencers bullying debate and the 'BullSh*tCallerOuter' account. Rita is speaks to Neil abut miscarrying 5 babies. Her first pregnancy was with triplets. She went on to have a baby two years ago and is expecting her second later this year.

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