Leading Oncologist Appealing T...


Leading Oncologist Appealing To People Not To Allow Anxiety Prevent Them Going For Cancer Screening

RedFM News
RedFM News

11:25 16 Oct 2023

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A leading oncologist is appealing to people not to allow their anxiety prevent them from going for cancer screening.

Professor Seamus O'Reilly who is based at Cork University Hospital says the outcome will be better the earlier a patient begins treatment.

He says the sooner a patient is seen and diagnosed the less treatment is needed.

Speaking to RedFM News Professor O'Reilly says the services are there and the majority of people diagnosed in Ireland now are cured due to early diagnosis and better treatment:

"Cancer treatment is time sensitive. That's how screening programmes work - they pick things up earlier. So if treatment and intervention is earlier, prognosis and outlook is better. For people listening today, go to their GP, the services are up and running, we're anxious to see people and the sooner they're seen, the less treatment will be needed. And it may be that nothing is there and then they can be reassured and move on with their lives. But if something is there, the earlier it's picked up, the better the outcome for them".

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