The Minister for Public Expenditure says people can look forward to next month's Budget with confidence.
Minister Michael McGrath says Budget 2022 needs to deliver the confidence that the Irish economy will continue to recover and the Government needs to secure and embed that recovery.
The Minister acknowledged that Covid 19 has caused damage to different sectors and businesses so the Budget will need to build on the rebound that has been experienced to date.
Minister Michael McGrath says the total Budget package of €4.7 billion aims to sustain the public health service, ensure the housing crisis is adequately funded and it will also contain a Covid contingency fund.
"We can look forward to the Budget with confidence - it's not in any shape or form going to be an austerity budget.
"We will see more spending, we'll see certain targeted tax measures.
"It's now in my mind about tackling some of the other challenges and bottle necks that are there in the system to allow us to secure that recovery in full."