Cork Gardaí appeal to people t...


Cork Gardaí appeal to people to come forward if they notice anything suspicious in relation to human trafficking

Kellie Murphy
Kellie Murphy

11:02 5 Jul 2024

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Human trafficking is hidden in plain sight and the public people need to alert Gardaí if they notice anything suspicious.

Gardaí say everyone in their daily lives is dealing with and has services from victims of human trafficking and if something looks wrong they should report it.

Dozens of victims of human trafficking are working in the sex industry in Cork at any time with many being tricked into it with the promise of a better life.

Speaking to RedFM News Mary Crilly of the Sexual Violence Centre Cork says Gardaí estimate that currently there are 100 women who have been trafficked into the sex industry in Cork:

"And then they're in brothels, and they're advertised online, I think. And after somebody goes in and uses them, rapes these women, because that's what it is. and young girls, they rate them, and if the girl comes up for a bad rating, by God, she'd pay for it by the trafficker. so we really need to look at it face on and look at these human beings. Let's all look, and let's all take responsibility."

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