National Women's Council says...


National Women's Council says the blatant nature of "sex for rent" ads are shocking but not surprising

Lana O'Connor
Lana O'Connor

04:06 9 Jul 2024

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Women should not be forced to make a choice between sexual exploitation and homelessness

"Sex for rent" ads have surfaced for properties in Mallow and Blarney in Cork stating that the landlord is willing to "negotiate a fair price for a female"

The National Women's Council says legislation that criminalises this form of exploitation cannot wait and have been calling for a specific offence for these online ads

Speaking to RedFM News Feargha NÍ Bhrion from the Women's Council says the current housing market has created the perfect environment for exploitation

"Rising rent and a reducing number of units available for rent, and combined with, you know, rising numbers of families being evicted due to the cost of living crisis, all of these factors work together to create conditions that are just perfect, as you say, for this kind of sex for rent exploitation"

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