

Banks "Very Definitely" Bailed Out According To A People Before Profit TD

Rebecca Noonan
Rebecca Noonan

08:40 17 Dec 2020

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Taoiseach Micheál Martin claimed it never happened in the Dáil yesterday, and said the state took equity in the banks involved.

He had been responding to questions about ex-Debenhams workers and possible solutions to the ongoing dispute about redundancy packages.

The Taoiseach said TD Richard Boyd Barrett lived in a financial fantasy land - however the Dublin TD says the cost of the bail out is still being paid:

"They were very definitely bailed out, and at an absolutely enormous cost, a decade of austerity cost imposed on working people in this country, and a cost for which we're still paying, because of course that was also money diverted away from building public housing, away from employing enough people in the health service."

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