CervicalCheck Talks Between Th...


CervicalCheck Talks Between The Government And The '221 Plus Support Group' Have Broken Down

Rebecca Noonan
Rebecca Noonan

08:59 21 Nov 2020

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The group has aired its frustrations after talks collapsed

The group set up for women affected by the scandal says its ended discussions because it felt the government was 'speaking out of both sides of its mouth', ahead of the upcoming tribunal.

Sinn Fein's Health Spokesperson, David Cullinane, says the women involved deserve more.

Teena Gates has this report for RedFM News:

'Sinn Fein Deputy David Cullinane has expressed deep regret that talks between the 221 plus support group and the government have collapsed. He says the women impacted by the CervicalCheck scandal deserve compassionate treatment, and the state should be prepared to settle rather than contest claims where it's clear cut. Deputy Cullinane says we must ensure that no woman or her family is statute barred from making a claim due to delays in setting up the tribunal. Meanwhile, the 221 plus group is expressing its frustration at what it claims is the 'pointless waste of time' that has been the past three weeks.'

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