Cork TD: Lack Of Clarity Aroun...


Cork TD: Lack Of Clarity Around 2021 Leaving Cert Exams Negatively Affecting Students' Mental Health

Rebecca Noonan
Rebecca Noonan

12:13 27 Nov 2020

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Sinn Fein Education Spokesperson Donnchadh O'Laoghaire says 6th year students are facing constant assessments and class tests

He says there is no indication over whether the results of these will go towards their final Leaving Cert grade next year.

He added that over-assessment in the form of weekly and monthly class testing is not sustainable, and will inevitably lead to burnout among the class of 2021.

Donnchadh O'Laoghaire is now urging the Department of Education to take the possibility of calculated grading system off the table, and provide a more thorough range of contingency plans.

Speaking to RedFM News, he added that the mistakes made this year cannot be repeated in 2021:

Last years students had a very difficult year but in the midst of that, last year fifth years and this years sixth years Leaving Certs- I think maybe they were forgotten, and they lost a lot of time as well. But what's happening at the minute is in some schools there is an awful lot of assessment, more than there would be in a usual year, there's exams after exams and assignment after assignment because there are teachers who are worried that the Leaving Cert might end up involving some kind of calculated grade element."

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