Demand For Focus Ireland's Ser...


Demand For Focus Ireland's Services Increased By 45% This Year

Rebecca Noonan
Rebecca Noonan

12:55 18 Dec 2020

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The charity supported 570 households in Cork who are homeless or at risk of losing their homes

They also helped a further 20 families move out of homelessness.

Their annual report released today coincides with the announcement of a new partnership between Focus Ireland and Cork City Tours.

The sight-seeing bus tour company operated by Cronin's Coaches will donate 50% of all tickets sold between now and Christmas day, for use next year, to Focus Ireland.

Speaking to RedFM News, Dick White from Focus Ireland says it's a fantastic way to support their work and a local business:

"We've attempted to engage with local businesses that have had a really bad turn in 2020, and we're looking at 2021, we're saying Cork City Tours will be on the road again. And we're encouraging people this Christmas for the week between now and Christmas- buy your tickets for next year. And in the process, you will be supporting a local business and wonderfully, the lads there in Cork City tourism and Cronin's."

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