€100 to be provided to every t...


€100 to be provided to every truck over a certain weight for 8 weeks

RedFM News
RedFM News

05:20 11 Mar 2022

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€100 is to be provided to every truck over a certain weight for 8 weeks.

The Transport Minister has announced an 18 million euro fund for hauliers, which he says will act as a relief for rising fuel prices.

It will be provided for every truck which weighs over 3-and-a-half tonnes.

Richard Nolan from Nolan Transport in Wexford believes it's too little, too late:

"I know for a fact that the discussions on this went to the brink, and it should never have to do that. Now, maybe this would be the start of a better discussion to do something more progressive and more business like, we'll have to see."

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