Long-Standing Tourism Business...


Long-Standing Tourism Businesses Heading For Collapse In The New Year

Rebecca Noonan
Rebecca Noonan

07:17 2 Dec 2020

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That's what Fáilte Ireland will tell the Oireachtas Tourism Committee later.

Since last year the Irish tourist market's slumped from €8 billion in value to just €2 billion -- with over a hundred thousand jobs lost.

Over 20,000 people were employed in tourism in Cork before the pandemic.

Fáilte Ireland's director of sector development, Jenny de Saulles, says the worst is yet to come, and we need to save what we can:

"We're hearing a lot more behind the scenes of businesses that are in trouble and are looking for support. So the reality is unfortunately that you know with the level of severity of this COVID, and the impact it's had, there will be businesses that won't survive but it's really important from government perspective that we ensure that enough businesses do survive that there is a core framework- that's the big learning from the last recession."

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