Mica Action Group: Crisis Has...


Mica Action Group: Crisis Has Major Cost Burden On Families

Breda Forrest
Breda Forrest

08:30 29 Jan 2024

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There's a major cost burden on families affected by the Mica crisis, according to the Mica Action Group.

It isn't surprised only 43 homeowners in Donegal impacted by defective blocks have been able to get full grants.

The Sunday Independent reports thousands of homeowners haven't applied to the redress scheme as they can't afford upfront costs.

Mica Action Group Chair Lisa Hone says there's too much bureaucracy in applying for it:

"The processing is really, really slow. Homeowners are literally marred in paperwork and red tape. There have been very, very significant delays in terms of how the scheme has been implemented - from the initial scheme to the subsequent revised scheme - so there is no surprise at all that the figures are very low".

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