Michael O'Leary says Ryanair p...


Michael O'Leary says Ryanair plane was subject to "state sponsored hijack"

Rebecca Noonan
Rebecca Noonan

09:23 24 May 2021

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The CEO of Ryanair says one of its planes was subject to a 'state sponsored hijack' when it was forced to land in Belarus.

The flight - which was going from Greece to Lithuania - was forced to divert to Minsk so an opposition blogger could be arrested.

The forced landing has been widely condemned and the European Union has called for an international investigation.

Michael O’Leary says it was scary for all on board.

"I think it was very frightening for the crew, for the passengers who were held under armed guard, had their bags searched when it was clear that the intent of the Russian authorities was to remove a journalist and his travelling companion.

"We believe there was also some KGB agents offloaded off the aircraft as well."

Foreign Affairs Minister, Simon Coveney, says sanctions are likely to be taken against Belarus.

"We have to protect EU airlines. We cannot have a situation where EU airlines are flying through Belarusian air space and they're forced to land so that authorities there arrest people on board.

"That is completely unacceptable and I think you will see an appropriate response from the EU quickly."

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