No timeline set to lift the 10...


No timeline set to lift the 100ml liquid restriction at airport securities.

Lana O'Connor
Lana O'Connor

01:51 7 Aug 2024

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There is currently no timeline set to lift the 100ml liquid restriction at airport securities.

Many EU airports had scrapped the limit and the need to remove liquid from your bags in recent months, following the rollout of upgraded screening technology.

There are now concerns surrounding these machines and their abilities to properly screen larger containers, meaning the limits will be reintroduced in all airports temporarily from September.

Eoghan Corry, editor of Travel Extra, says this transition was never going to be smooth

"The other thing is the scanners were brought in unevenly. Some countries were quick and bringing them in, others are not. So, even if you go into Shannon Airport and you were bringing your liquid, it wasn't clear that at the hub airport, you'd have to take it out"

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