Over 100 People Prosecuted For...


Over 100 People Prosecuted For Domestic Violence Offences In The Past Six Weeks

Rebecca Noonan
Rebecca Noonan

08:25 9 Dec 2020

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There have been ongoing concerns about an increase in domestic violence because of Covid 19 restrictions.

Gardaí set up a special operation earlier this year focusing on the victims of domestic violence during coronavirus restrictions.

Since the end of October, 110 people have been prosecuted for domestic violence offences.

In total, 217 people have been prosecuted since April.

Gardaí say they've made over 20,000 calls or attempted calls to victims of domestic abuse this year.

There has also been a 17% increase in calls for assistance.

Gardaí are encouraging anyone who feels threatened or in fear to contact them saying they will respond quickly and vigorously.

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