Perjury To Become A Statutory...


Perjury To Become A Statutory Offence Under New Action Plan On Insurance Reform

Rebecca Noonan
Rebecca Noonan

03:47 8 Dec 2020

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66 recommendations have been made to tackle insurance fraud.

The measures also include new guidelines on the appropriate levels of personal injury awards but it does not put a cap on figures.

Justice Minister Helen McEntee hopes making perjury a statutory offence will increase communications between insurance companies and Gardai:

"What we saw in recent years [was] that there was very little engagement between the insurance companies and the Gardaí so they were not aware of where fraudulent claims had been made. So I think that increased engagement, but also as the Tánaiste has outlined the putting perjury on statutory footing will help, I suppose, create that link between the insurance companies in particular cases with An Garda Siochana and obviously that engagement is key."

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