Someone Caught Sharing Intimat...


Someone Caught Sharing Intimate Images Of Another Person Without Consent Could Face Up To 7 Years In Prison

Rebecca Noonan
Rebecca Noonan

01:44 23 Nov 2020

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It's among a range of measures to be considered by Cabinet tomorrow

It's after thousands of intimate images of Irish women and girls were leaked last week.

The proposed legislation will also include a fine of up to five thousand euro and a one year jail sentence for those caught forwarding on such images.

Justice Minister Helen McEntee says laws to protect against this have been needed for a long time:

'It literally has ruined lives. People have taken their lives because of this type of sharing of intimate images. It's important to say that just because you consent to an image being taken at the time, it does not mean that if it's passed on later without your consent that you have still consented. The legislation is very clear that even though you may have consented at the time, if it's passed on to another person without your consent then it becomes an offence. It's long overdue.'

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