Spending On Irish Websites For...


Spending On Irish Websites For Black Friday Has More Than Doubled

Rebecca Noonan
Rebecca Noonan

09:49 29 Nov 2020

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New Revolut data shows spending on Irish websites for Black Friday has increased by 135% year-on-year.

39 per cent of all online spending by Irish users for the day went to Irish websites, while 61 per cent went to international retailers.

Revolut Ireland spokesperson, Michael Russell says even though global companies are dominating, more people are buying Irish:

'We still send more internationally on Black Friday but that gap has closed dramatically. So, if you take last year, for instance, for every 10 euro we were spending on Irish businesses we were spending about 26 euro internationally, but this year that number has fallen to about 16, so it's a real change and a good success for Irish businesses.'

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