Taoiseach says he wants to see...


Taoiseach says he wants to see tougher sanctions imposed on Russia

RedFM News
RedFM News

03:40 4 Apr 2022

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The Taoiseach says he wants to see tougher sanctions imposed on Russia over its invasion of Ukraine.

The EU is preparing to take further action after images emerged of mass graves and civilians lying dead in the street near Kyiv.

President Ursula von der Leyen has said investigation teams will be sent to Ukraine to determine if war crimes have been committed.

Taoiseach Michael Martin says the EU will need to do more to punish Russia's actions:

"We're now looking and we would support further sanctions which in themselves has an impact on the economy. Given the appalling and barbaric crimes committed by Russian Federation troops in Ukraine, particularly in the environments of Kyiv and Bucha, and other towns where we see innocent civilians, murdered with hands tied behind their backs."


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