Over €2,000 raised by hospital...


Over €2,000 raised by hospital porters at CUH using the Deposit Return Scheme

Lana O'Connor
Lana O'Connor

02:40 4 Jun 2024

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Over 2,000 euro has been raised by hospital porters at CUH using the Deposit Return Scheme

John Collins, John Lenihan and John Keenan initially planned to collect used bottles and cans to pay for a Chinese takeaway on their final night shift of the month at Cork University Hospital.

The trio nicknamed "The Three Johnny's" quickly realised that the volume of empties across the Wilton Campus was quite large and have since raised 2000 euro from returns for the CUH charity.

Speaking on the Neil Prendeville Show John Collins says everyone at the hospital is supporting the initiative

"The catering staff were brilliant, the management were fantastic, the nurses and doctors were just overwhelmed and they said "John, this is such a fantastic idea"  You get 15 cents for every 500ml bottles, and you get 25  five cents for a Coke 2 litre or a Lucozade bottle. So we believe we have in the region of  16,000 bottles recycled so far"

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