Priest who refused communion t...


Priest who refused communion to Junior Minister and told him he was excommunicated defends his actions

Jamie O'Hara
Jamie O'Hara

11:14 15 Jul 2024

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The priest who refused to give communion to a Junior Minister and told him he was excommunicated has defended his actions.

Fr Gabriel Burke covered the chalice when Deputy Colm Burke attended communion during a funeral in Whitechurch on Friday.

His actions have been condemned by the Association of Catholic Priests who say the dismissal of a public representative at a funeral is particularly aggravating.

Minister Colm Burke told the Neil Prendeville show what happened when he went for communion:

"He gave me blessing. I advised that I was here to receive Holy Communion. He said 'You're not getting Holy Communion'. And I said, I'm here to receive Holy communion . He then leaned forward and advised that you've been excommunicated. So in front of the family, I decided that there was no point in having any further discussion there. Wasn't appropriate. So I moved off at that stage".

Meanwhile, Fr Gabriel Burke claims he was right to tell the Cork TD he was excommunicated:

"He voted for abortion. He excommunicated himself. There are two types of excommunication; those that are imposed, but then there are also excommunications that you incur by the act you have done. I had to put my phone away last night because I've just got so many people up and down the country supporting me".

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Abortion Catholic Church Cloyne Holy Communion

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