RNLI rescue dog stranded on sa...


RNLI rescue dog stranded on sandbank in Courtmacsherry

Kellie Murphy
Kellie Murphy

08:56 30 Nov 2023

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The RNLI rescued a dog who was stranded on a sandbank in Courtmacsherry yesterday afternoon.

Bonnie the sheepdog got into difficulties off Burren Rock in Courtmacsherry Bay and was in grave danger of being washed away in a strong running tide.

Courtmacsherry RNLI crew members coaxed Bonnie onto the lifeboat and returned the sheepdog to his owners safely.

The Courtmacsherry Lifeboat Launch Authority and press officer Vincent O Donovan  said “ Great praise must go to the two concerned ladies on the shore today who alerted the authorities immediately when they spotted the dog in difficulty and the fast response of the Lifeboat Crew which ensured that Dog Bonnie was reached before being taken out to sea”  Vincent added that “ It was so great to see the joy on the owners faces on being reunited with Bonnie and  thus a very happy ending for all concerned”

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