Stargazers reported seeing two...


Stargazers reported seeing two fire balls in the sky over the past week

Lana O'Connor
Lana O'Connor

05:40 19 Jan 2024

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Astronomy Ireland says Ireland gets two meteorite falls every year, and around half a dozen shooting stars that can happen anytime but can only be seen on clear evenings

Eyewitnesses described the fire balls as small but very bright and greenish-red in colour


Speaking on the Neil Prendeville Show David Moore of Astronomy Ireland says despite their size they will light up the night time sky

"They are not very big, even though it lit up the entire country like day for a second or so, it's probably not much bigger than your fist. Anything the size of a microwave oven and upwards  would turn night into day, it's all to do with the speed"


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Astronomy Ireland Fireball

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