Students calling on UCC to cut...


Students calling on UCC to cut ties with Israeli institutions

Kellie Murphy
Kellie Murphy

10:19 23 May 2024

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Students behind an encampment at UCC are calling on other student groups to hold their universities to account and cut all ties with Israeli institutions.

UCC BDS are also appealing to trade unions to join the global movement.

Up to 10 tents were set up on the Quad over a week ago and in the past few days college authorities have engaged with the demonstrators.

Mikey Rose of UCC BDS told RedFM News while he hopes talks continue they are determined to continue their efforts until tangible progress is made.

"We're not looking to sort of sway on our demands at all, and we're ready to stick this out for the long haul. The demands we set out in the first place, are urgent and necessary and they're reasonable, but we understand, you know, this does take discussion, and we're open to those discussions."

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