UCC Students' Union says some...


UCC Students' Union says some students living in digs being given strict curfews

Kellie Murphy
Kellie Murphy

01:59 17 Sep 2024

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UCC Students' Union says some students living in digs are being given strict curfews and limited access to parts of the house.

One student had to come to the union for help after being locked out of home after 11pm and said they were not allowed to use the communal kitchen after 8pm in the evening.

UCC Students' Union is calling for better rights for people living in digs.

Speaking to RedFM News, UCC Students' Union Welfare Officer Lucressia Luna Smee says some students have had to live like prisoners:

"We've spoken to students over the past year that have been in their accommodation and have their curfews set upon them, or sometimes it will be areas of the house, so the access to the house they are paying to rent, they're living like prisoners."

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