A 16 year old was hit with a hurley at the Strand Beach in Youghal yesterday evening. The teen will need plastic surgery after the incident with a man in his 20's. Witnesses say he was part of a large group which included women and children. A caller has told Neil the hurley was pulled from a buggy. Have you experienced anti-social behaviour on Cork's beaches in the fine weather?
![29th June 2018](https://img.resized.co/redfm/eyJkYXRhIjoie1widXJsXCI6XCJodHRwczpcXFwvXFxcL3d3dy5yZWRmbS5pZVxcXC9pbWFnZXNcXFwvbm9faW1hZ2UucG5nXCIsXCJ3aWR0aFwiOjk3MCxcImhlaWdodFwiOjQ4NSxcImRlZmF1bHRcIjpcImh0dHBzOlxcXC9cXFwvd3d3LnJlZGZtLmllXFxcL2ltYWdlc1xcXC9ub19pbWFnZS5wbmdcIixcIm9wdGlvbnNcIjp7XCJvdXRwdXRcIjpcImF2aWZcIixcInF1YWxpdHlcIjpcIjYwXCJ9fSIsImhhc2giOiJhZmMwMjk1ODI3ZGQ2MmIzYTdhMDcyNDE0YThlODVjZDNhODJjM2RjIn0=/29th-june-2018.png)
29th June 2018
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