Vilius Valiusis
Vilius Valiusis

11:33 30 Apr 2018

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Neil spoke to Kathryn who witnessed a savage attack on Douglas Street the Sunday before last. She says there was a man gnashing his teeth "like a dog" and threatening to tear another mans face off with his teeth! She said she was surprised no-one was murdered.

We had audio from the Superheroes lunch on Friday.

Neil spoke to Jason about bad manners. He was out a few weeks ago in a restaurant and his small girl was holding the door for people and one man passed and said nothing. The little girl called him out on his manners after it happened.

We also spoke to Aideen about her friend about SUSI grant. Her friend lost her mother in 2016 and never had a father figure in her life. She appealed her SUSI grant and was already getting half of it as she was living in a one parent household. She moved in with her Grandmother as she isn't able to get the full grant as she doesn't have any parents as she needed someone on social welfare. And as of now she is debating on dropping out of college.

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