Vilius Valiusis
Vilius Valiusis

02:47 30 Mar 2018

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The Neil Prendeville Show have been contacted by a number of listeners who are upset by comments posted online by Cork business S'Inch. The shop have since removed their Facebook, Twitter and Instagram pages. We've been in touch with the business who have sent us this response - "The staff member photographed had nothing to do with the post. The staff member who posted the photo has been relieved of his social media duties. We clearly made a mistake which we apologise for". We're speaking to Stephen Hackett and his Nana Maura Hallinan who is 98 and we believe she's the oldest landlady still pulling pints in Cork! She owns KLM Bar but will be pulling pints in Nana's Bar on Douglas street from 4pm today. Ciara Revins visited The English Market to find out the thoughts of shoppers & traders about Good Friday traditions. Hundreds gathererd outside City Hall yesterday for the #IBelieveHer rally in the wake of the Belfast Rape Trial verdict. Ciara Revins spoke to those who attended the rally.

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