Post mortem examination to be...


Post mortem examination to be conducted on the young girl who drowned while swimming in Fountainstown yesterday

RedFM News
RedFM News

05:00 6 Sep 2023

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Emily Roman was in second class at Templebreedy National School in Crosshaven and would have been celebrating her 8th birthday tomorrow with her twin brother Jeremy.

Emily was swimming with friends in shallow water when a current swept her away around half past 4 yesterday and her body was recovered from the water around three hours later.

Speaking to RedFM News, Local Councillor Audrey Buckley who was among the hundreds of locals who searched for Emily, says it was a terrible tragedy to witness last night:

"It was getting dark and I thought my God, I don't want to be here when they call this off because how can you call this off, you know, and then they found her, you know? So it was a relief that they did find her for the poor father, who was still here, because I just couldn't imagine you know, what would have happened if they called it off"

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Crosshaven Emily Roman Fountainstown

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